Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tahoe Ski Trip

Going skiing has been on my bucket list for a long time. So many of my friends talk about skiing and snowboarding and how fun it is. I finally got to take my first lesson on Saturday, February 9th!

This is a photo of me going through the "process," and I do mean p-r-o-c-e-s-s of getting all of my rental gear. It took forever, so much so that my lesson was supposed to start at 10am but because it was taking so long they had to create an 11 o'clock group as well, as we were all about 45 minutes to an hour behind after first waiting for a computer/printer to open up to enter all basic information such as name, address, height, weight, etc. to print a master form for the rental employees to reference. Second, you have to meet with a cashier to confirm payment and receive your lesson confirmation and lift passes. In my case, I was overcharged and had to wait for the cashier to reimburse my credit card so it took longer than the other guests. On a side note, damn skiing is expensive!!! $169 dollars later I had a first-timer skiing lesson, a lift pass, and rental equipment paid for (Thanks Dad!). Third, was the boots station. No one shows you how to properly put them on or adjust your ski pants. I only found out a painful 30 minutes later that even though I tucked the inner part of my pants into the boots like the guy next to me, there are small metal clips in there that will dig into your leg and are meant to clip onto the outside of your boot! That was my first "growing pain" in my learning how to ski journey. Fourth, you get a locker and put away your shoes and other items. Fifth, you get fitted for skis, have your bindings adjusted (as seen in the photo below), and receive instructions on how to proper place your foot in the ski and how to remove it. Sixth, and finally, you receive your ski poles. I'm tired all over again just reiterating the whole process!

The lesson itself was challenging, but educational. I was really wishing I had more upper body strength, but proud that I did not give up like another girl did only about 30 minutes into the lesson! The next photos are of my after the lesson was over. I was really exhausted at that point in a severe need of proper sustenance!Oh and because so many people want to know, I only fell down during the second half of my skiing lesson about 3-4 times, mainly because as i picked up speed I kind of freaked out a little bit and felt like I could not stop!

The next photo was just the view of Squaw Valley from the tram that takes you to the top of the mountain. Overall, the views were breathtaking but I was F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G!!!! I got a little warm while skiing but as anyone who knows me well would understand, by the end of the day I was very ready to go home, chow down on some food, and get as warm as possible!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Opus One & Bistro Don Giovanni

Today I met my family at the Napa Premium Outlets and got to admire many coach bags before we headed off to the winery. We had a tasting appointment for 2:30 at Opus One. I sampled the 2005 and 2009 vintages. I had to be careful because the tastings there are much larger than normal because they only make a Meritage or "blended" wine. Basically, at my lightweight status coupled by the fact that I had not eaten anything, I was pretty toasty after those two glasses. Not drunk at all, but happy. Everyone got a good laugh when then lady providing the wine asked if I was 21 and if she could see my ID. First of all, my family knows how much I loathe that question, then my father asks if I can get a discount for every year over 21 I am, and then my brother chimes in that I'm just really lucky that drinking doesn't also come with a height requirement!
As we were going to leave I stood up from the couch I was sitting on, folded my leather jacket over my arm and turned to grab my purse off of the couch as well. In doing so, the zipper on my jacket just tapped the edge of my empty wine glass knocking it off balance and sending it over the edge of a small coffee table and onto the carpeted floor. I'll repeat that, carpeted floor, you would think I would have been safe, but no I became the jerk that broke a wine glass! It landed on the floor and the stem just popped off from the bowl. I turned to my mom and said I swear I am not drunk, my zipper did it! (I was driving the "girls" a.k.a. myself, my mom, and Tanya, and didn't want her to take my keys away) Oooh well!

Afterwards we ventured to an interesting marketplace that I had never been to before but my parents had. It was all over when I saw a chocolate shop inside! I mean I had just had a bunch of wine and what goes better with wine than chocolate?! I immediately bought several to share with the family and oh they were so SO good. Other random items were a Dr. Seuss art gallery and some touristy kitchen store where my mom bought me a sign that reads "You Are The Icing On My Cupcake" because I am such a huge cupcake fan. It was a little awkward though when we got to the register and the gay male cashier asks my mom suggestively "Oh, so who is your icing?" To which my mom points to me and replies, "Her, my daughter." It just sounded weird and I don't think it was the answer he was expecting her to say at all!

Finally, we ended up at the restaurant, Bistro Don Giovanni. I think it is "ok," there are better options in my opinion, but my parents like it so we ended up there. We started out with deep fried olives, yum. Then I had a Buratta cheese plate with procuitto, fresh arugula, and toasted ciabatta (which they substituted for me instead of garlic toast because of my allergy). My main dish was "agnolotti di fonduta" which turned out to be a ravioli stuffed with butternut squash purée that was served with a white truffle butter melted over it and sprinkled with a truffled pecorino cheese, also super yummy! At this point I was disgustingly stuffed but what is a fancy dinner without a fancy dessert to go with it? My brother and I split a "Boston" trifle. In case you are wondering what that is, basically the dessert is meant to be reminiscent of a Boston Cream Pie, but a trifle is a layered or tiered dessert served in a tall narrow glass. In this case, the layers were of toasted almonds in clear caramel, then a vanilla custard, followed by a chocolate cake and fudge layer.
As I ate it I remembered the last time I ordered it I was sucking the caramel off the almonds and then placing them on a small dish because I do not really like nuts in my desserts. My mom absentmindedly sees the nuts and starts to eat them while carrying on a conversation with a friend. After a few bites she returns her attention to me, sees that I am spitting out the almonds, demands to know if I did that to the ones she just ate, and was not very happy when I informed her that yes I had in fact spit out all the almonds she just ate! At least she was able to laugh about it tonight when I reminded her of the story.

All in all I came home with a full tummy, an $80 bottle of Overture wine, and a little gift from my mom. I was a happy girl! It was SO great to be with my family and to spend time with my Uncle and his new wife. Everything went smoothly, everyone enjoyed themselves, and now I am in bed ready to pass out. I look forward to talking to you soon!!! Muah!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

While you were out...

So today wasn't too exciting. I ended up not having to go home because my Uncle ALMOST bailed on coming to visit us. My Dad had offered to pay for a rental car for my Uncle to use to visit us (he has been staying with my grandparents in Camarillo, CA) but apparently through some email delays and a lack of phone communication nothing was booked by my Uncle so he was just going to call things off. Well my Dad was kind of pissed that we have been making plans to see him and that he was just going to blow us off. Not to mention, my brother and I were pretty disappointed that he couldn't get his shit together to visit us. Needless to say, my Dad called my grandparents, woke Kevin up and told him he would send all of his information again to book a car and that it would be really NICE if he could make it work. Long story short, they (my uncle Kevin and his former-mistress-now-wife Tanya) left LA around 3 or 4pm and were going to make the 6 hour drive up to see us after all.

My Dad made arrangements for us all to go to Napa tomorrow for a private wine tasting at Opus One (My favorite wine ever--so far!) and then we will have dinner later at Bistro Don Giovanni in Napa, CA. Should be a great day, kinda bummed I'll have to watch what I drink because I'm driving myself, but I'll be good!

Anywho, after all that drama in the morning, I got a surprise call from my aunt Roxann, cousin Gianna, and my cousin John's fiancé Jackie telling me they were in the area and wanted to know if I would like to join them for lunch. They had been wedding dress shopping earlier. So I spent most of my afternoon with the girls doing lunch and shopping.

At 7:30 I was due at the Robertson's to watch Nolan and Avery so Erica and Red could go see a movie. And here I sit. I hope they won't be out too late since I have another full day tomorrow but it is nice to have time to write you about my day. Hopefully I can take a lot of photos tomorrow and my next blog will at least be more exciting or at the very least visually entertaining!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm very distracted.

There was a spider in the corner of my wall by my bed and I tried to kill it with my swiffer but it just fell and now I have no idea where it went. I just hope I can fall asleep now! (I also have a!)

I wonder what you're doing and what you're up to but I know I'll find out things like that much after the fact. This week is going to be busy for me, as well as next week. Sounded like you'll be in the same boat. I'm not going to lie, sleeping in this morning felt AWESOME though! I didn't realize that I think I was up around 6 everyday this past week so we could talk. If I told anyone in my family this they probably wouldn't even believe me. Lol. I still wonder now how things will work out with us talking for the next two weeks but I guess we will just figure it out as usual! Muah!

Letter #1

Your email to me on Saturday, December 15th, 2012
I feel so lucky to have met you, you are everything I could have ever asked for. Before we met I was just walking through life, getting by each day, hoping the next would be better. I didn't think that there was someone still out there like you. I know I came on strong at first and you told me to give you space, which was not what I wanted to hear, but I couldn't walk away. Talking to you made me feel so good inside. I started smiling again just randomly throughout the day. I was happy for the first time in almost 6 years! And yes, that is a true statement. There was always a dark cloud over me, there was always something not right. You give me the feeling of trust, I forgot what that was like. I know that the next few months are going to be hard, but I know it's going to help us build a strong foundation for the future to come. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

You are something special.

After talking to you this morning I couldn't get you out of my head. I really do feel lucky to have you in my life. I did do a lot to push you away at first, and felt like I had plenty of reason you'd want to stay away. First, let's just state the obvious, I live two states away from you. Second, I flip-flopped between hot and cold with you at first because after just getting out of a crap relationship I was more than a little jaded about men in general and assumed you'd be no different. Third, I had my own personal bomb to drop on you which is a deal breaker for many people.

And then you became the exception to the rule. Being two states away didn't stop us from spending every weekend together for a whole month in a row. You didn't give up on insisting I give you a chance and yet at the same time you respected the boundaries I drew to protect myself. Most surprisingly, is how you have accepted me for me, including all my flaws, and never made me feel any less or different than any other girl.

So why does it seem like no big deal to me to still want to talk to you even though you got deployed for 9 months and after we had only gotten to spend 2 and half months together? Well, I guess it's because you just accepted all of the "stuff" mentioned above like it was easy. It is admirable, flattering, and wonderful how you never gave up on me so I don't find it so difficult to wait around for you. Not to mention the fact that I can actually talk to you, laugh with you, and feel like someone truly cares for me just as much as I care for them. I've told you before that this is the first time in a long time where I feel completely 100% comfortable being myself around someone. I don't know if I can even begin to convey how important I have found this to be. I wish I could be in your arms telling you this and saying thank you for being you and being in my life. Muah!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

While you were out...

So I am bummed right now that I haven't gotten to see your face or hear your voice today. I know I've gotten spoiled seeing you every morning and evening for the past few days!

My day started off with a phone call about babysitting. It was a mom who is somehow related to Erica and who's children I have babysat before, asking if I was free this evening for a few hours. I figured why not? I knew I could use the distraction.

I then went to my supervision meeting. I met a new woman who I have been emailing back and forth about accessing our "cloud" documents and updating her information. I do not like her. I don't think I'll be able to stand her and here is why. She emailed me this morning to pass the buck about updating her information, basically saying here is my info, you enter it into the appropriate documents, as if I worked for her. Then I asked her in person today if she has been able to gain access to our documents in the "cloud" and she just said, "Oh, I haven't even tried." Wtf?! I've been emailing her about this for weeks?! All of the other Counselors old and new figured it out and updated their info ASAP. Not this "special" lady. Basically, after my meeting was over I had a one-on-one with my supervisor who also let me know that she does not like her, this person has no-showed for meetings twice already, and we both felt her attitude of entitlement reeked! I'm glad I have her information now but if she thinks for one second that I'm going to do her job for her she is going to learn things the hard way. When everyone is on the contact list except her I hope she looks like the lazy idiot she is! Grr

Writing this reminds me, my supervisor also put me in charge of finding a location for our holiday staff party, I need to get on that!

Work with the Robertson's was the same old thing. Babysitting for the Hogan's was fun. Their son Charlie is in third grade and is very well behaved. He has some strange ticks or OCD behaviors but nothing problematic. The daughter, Tobi, is a firecracker of energy and in the first grade. She is a natural born negotiator, trying to negotiate things with her Mom and me, from homework to dessert! I told her to continue to hone her craft and she can be a professional negotiator someday. Since she's only in first grade this went right over her head but she's definitely on a good roll already.

As I lie here in bed I wonder when I'll be hearing from you again. I also wish I could ask how your day was. As always, I hope you are safe and happy. Missing your face. Muah!