Wednesday, December 12, 2012

You are something special.

After talking to you this morning I couldn't get you out of my head. I really do feel lucky to have you in my life. I did do a lot to push you away at first, and felt like I had plenty of reason you'd want to stay away. First, let's just state the obvious, I live two states away from you. Second, I flip-flopped between hot and cold with you at first because after just getting out of a crap relationship I was more than a little jaded about men in general and assumed you'd be no different. Third, I had my own personal bomb to drop on you which is a deal breaker for many people.

And then you became the exception to the rule. Being two states away didn't stop us from spending every weekend together for a whole month in a row. You didn't give up on insisting I give you a chance and yet at the same time you respected the boundaries I drew to protect myself. Most surprisingly, is how you have accepted me for me, including all my flaws, and never made me feel any less or different than any other girl.

So why does it seem like no big deal to me to still want to talk to you even though you got deployed for 9 months and after we had only gotten to spend 2 and half months together? Well, I guess it's because you just accepted all of the "stuff" mentioned above like it was easy. It is admirable, flattering, and wonderful how you never gave up on me so I don't find it so difficult to wait around for you. Not to mention the fact that I can actually talk to you, laugh with you, and feel like someone truly cares for me just as much as I care for them. I've told you before that this is the first time in a long time where I feel completely 100% comfortable being myself around someone. I don't know if I can even begin to convey how important I have found this to be. I wish I could be in your arms telling you this and saying thank you for being you and being in my life. Muah!

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