Tuesday, December 11, 2012

While you were out...

So I am bummed right now that I haven't gotten to see your face or hear your voice today. I know I've gotten spoiled seeing you every morning and evening for the past few days!

My day started off with a phone call about babysitting. It was a mom who is somehow related to Erica and who's children I have babysat before, asking if I was free this evening for a few hours. I figured why not? I knew I could use the distraction.

I then went to my supervision meeting. I met a new woman who I have been emailing back and forth about accessing our "cloud" documents and updating her information. I do not like her. I don't think I'll be able to stand her and here is why. She emailed me this morning to pass the buck about updating her information, basically saying here is my info, you enter it into the appropriate documents, as if I worked for her. Then I asked her in person today if she has been able to gain access to our documents in the "cloud" and she just said, "Oh, I haven't even tried." Wtf?! I've been emailing her about this for weeks?! All of the other Counselors old and new figured it out and updated their info ASAP. Not this "special" lady. Basically, after my meeting was over I had a one-on-one with my supervisor who also let me know that she does not like her, this person has no-showed for meetings twice already, and we both felt her attitude of entitlement reeked! I'm glad I have her information now but if she thinks for one second that I'm going to do her job for her she is going to learn things the hard way. When everyone is on the contact list except her I hope she looks like the lazy idiot she is! Grr

Writing this reminds me, my supervisor also put me in charge of finding a location for our holiday staff party, I need to get on that!

Work with the Robertson's was the same old thing. Babysitting for the Hogan's was fun. Their son Charlie is in third grade and is very well behaved. He has some strange ticks or OCD behaviors but nothing problematic. The daughter, Tobi, is a firecracker of energy and in the first grade. She is a natural born negotiator, trying to negotiate things with her Mom and me, from homework to dessert! I told her to continue to hone her craft and she can be a professional negotiator someday. Since she's only in first grade this went right over her head but she's definitely on a good roll already.

As I lie here in bed I wonder when I'll be hearing from you again. I also wish I could ask how your day was. As always, I hope you are safe and happy. Missing your face. Muah!

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