Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday fun with Nolan and Avery!

So this is my first attempt at blogging via my phone, hope all goes well. Nothing too crazy went down today as I was just babysitting but, fun was had! First, Nolan and I tackled making gingerbread cookies. Considering that my sous-chef was 4 years old, they turned out pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself. They were soft, uniform in size, and pretty tasty.

Next, we tackled the pièce de résistance, also known as a Gingerbread House! Nolan took this task very seriously. He patiently watched and waited while I constructed the "house" and let the "glue" set for the entire suggested 15 minute waiting period. I then quickly gave him a tutorial on how to use the frosting "glue" and let him loose. The photos of him concentrating on his masterpiece are hilarious. Avery stopped by to watch and to either attempt to swipe some candy or be treated to a gingerbread cookie.

We finished off the afternoon with candy cane hot cocoa while doing arts and crafts. Nolan made a Santa Claus, Avery made a Snowman, and together they contributed to a standing foam Christmas tree.

The rest of the evening went as usual, dinner, bath, and bed. All pretty smoothly too! Maybe it was the fun-filled day or the fact that with one easy reminder that "Santa's watching," and behavioral miracles happen, but both kids were great today! It's actually days like today that make me excited about being able to do things like this with my own family someday. It's already a Christmas tradition that I go over to my Nonna's house to make cookies every year, maybe someday, just like with Nolan, I'll be making cookies with my own kids. But there is still plenty of time for that!

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