Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meeting the Parents *Yikes*

What a wonderful weekend we just had! You surprised me by showing up 10 hours early, with roses waiting for me at my doorstep. I have to admit I was a little flustered because, as those friends who know me best lovingly refer to me as "anal-retentive" when it comes to my cleaning habits, I was a little embarrassed when you caught me with dishes in my sink and floors that had not yet been vacuumed. However five minutes later, it was clear you didn't care and I was excited to have the few extra hours of your company.

I know that all we did on Friday night was go out for dinner and then come back to my apartment, initially to watch a movie together, but instead we spent the next few hours wrapped in each-others arms just talking. It was perfect because I knew we were growing closer. Getting to know the person I'm dating beyond a superficial level and onto a much deeper emotional one is something I have learned through trail-and-error as a necessary condition of a successful and happy relationship. I have to admit it was a little shocking and completely refreshing to find out a "military man" could so easily and openly communicate with me about his own feelings and experiences.

Saturday I was in such high spirits that I wanted to have an adventure. A day trip to Monterey, CA and a visit to the aquarium seemed like a fun and relaxing activity that we could share together. 


Since you were there with me I don't have to recap the whole day but I would like to share the moments that I will look back on and remember fondly. In general, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your enthusiasm. From start to finish, going through the whole aquarium, you never once complained you just jumped right in. You didn't let being an adult get in the way of embracing the opportunity to pet sea cucumbers, try to feel a bat ray, or laugh like a teenager at the penguins trying to get it on! I just wanted to have fun and be carefree and man did you deliver. The next thing I appreciated was your very corny and cliche gift of a small stuffed sea otter. I was disappointed that the otters were not on display, but mostly I was disappointed that you didn't get to see them! Just the fact that you gave me a small memento, something I could hold onto literally and remember my time with you, and that hopefully you wanted to remember as well, was simply sweet. I think it is rare to find a guy who can recognize the small moments and value them, instead of just the significant moments they know they will be in trouble if they forget! 

Finally, at the end of the day you introduced me to an old female friend of yours. I'll admit it, while she was on her way to meet us I looked her up again on Facebook to see what she looked like, so I could be prepared to feel inadequate but cover it up to the best of my ability. The fact that she was beautiful, a model, a genuinely sweet person, and someone who has known you for years would have probably sent my insecurity level jumping off the charts if not for one thing... you. You never once made me feel like a third wheel, on the contrary, you held my hand whenever possible, directed conversation equally back and forth, and I sincerely felt like you were proud to have me with you. I have to say that I don't think I can ever recall any man from my past making me feel as secure and admired as you did not just in that moment, but all weekend, and I don't ever want to forget it.

Sunday, a.k.a. "Meet the Parents" day which as far as you were concerned might as well have been a.k.a. "Doomsday" had us both nervous! It was as nerve-wracking, awkward, and embarrassing as one could have hoped, but you navigated your way through it with a calm and genuine sincerity that is your personality. A personality and person, it turns out that not only do I appreciate, but so far one which my parents approve of and my friends are happy I've found. So our journey continues. You're scheduled to deploy on Monday, November 12th, but for now I am going to continue to enjoy our long Skype conversations and daily text messages. Muah!

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