Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I try so hard not to notice...that you're not here.

Today was pretty boring and normal. I went to the clinic but only had one client today. I also went to work at the Robertson's. There was a lot of laundry lying around the house and I was actually happy to throw myself into the task of sorting, folding, and organizing. Sometimes I think I missed my calling and that I should have been a professional organizer; Erica agrees. At one point I had almost her entire house organized and while she loves it, and I occasionally enjoy the sense of escape that comes from focusing on the challenge of organization, I got tired of being the only one trying to keep the organization up. She told me she used to be just like me and that I will change once I have kids, but it sure didn't change my mother, and I like being able to find things where they're supposed to be. It saves time, stress, and looks so much neater!

On another note, I was brave today and talked to both your Mom and your brother! First, I bought the six pack as a thank you for your brother's help the other day. I Googled good Mexican beer and went with Dos Equis Ambar. I've never seen anyone drink that specific beer, but an article rated it as the best one, and I sure as hell am in no place to judge, so that's what your brother got. We chatted briefly and he said that if I ever wanted to just hang out sometime, to get him out of the house, he is in need of people to hang out with in this area. I'm not sure we would have anything in common (except you of course) and I didn't want to be rude, so I explained that I don't really go out much myself but that if he wanted to reach me he should accept my friend request on Facebook. Honestly, I want to know what you think about this?

As for your mom, we both parked outside at the same time today. Your brother had the driveway blocked with your truck so she had to park in front of the Robertson's house where I usually park. She told me she would move and I told her not to worry she could definitely park there and it was no trouble at all. I had just pulled in front of her car instead. I also took the opportunity to let her know that you would really like to have her Skype name and other contact information, such as her email address. Hopefully she will email everything to you soon!

Now I'd just like to say not knowing how long I won't be able to hear from you sucks. Will it be 3 days, a week, several weeks? I know I'm just stubborn and I like to have all the answers. I understand why I can't know, but I don't have to like it! I'm a "look before I leap" kind of person, I want to know what I'm getting myself into so I can be fully prepared, ignorance is not bliss in my opinion. I'd want the truth every time no matter how ugly or scary. Aaaaand now I'm venting. Lol. I'm just getting mad as I think about several different things right now. Before I went bungee jumping in Costa Rica my older host sister told me not to look down, she didn't understand that until I did look down and could see what I was potentially going to die from, there would be no way I could do it. My father thought it would be better not to share his indiscretions. I just found out this weekend that Gianna kept something from me because she thought it would hurt me (She spied on the last guy I was dating because they were in the same bar and took a photo of him with his arms wrapped around some girl and his face on her shoulder next to her face). I HATE IT when people keep things from me because they claim they did it so I wouldn't be hurt or have to worry. Being made to feel like a blind fool hurts me more, just saying. Also I just read an article about soldiers going on missions and this was how it ended...

"Although the soldiers can communicate with their loved ones via Facebook, email and Skype, they are careful what they say. 'You talk to your loved ones, and you tell them you’re doing all right and everything’s fine, really, and you just go about your day,' said McClellan, who plans to return to Malone University when he comes home. It’s not prudent to tell them every detail, he said, 'because you don’t want them to worry, and you don’t want to be worrying about them worrying while you’re here.'"

...and I know you'd do that. You are going to not tell me things. Ahhh, ok I'll get over it. I'm done, and tired now.

Last random fact of the night... so this girl Michelle Folk, I went to elementary school with her, she is friends with literally almost half of the people on your Facebook friends list! I was having a small world moment last night. She is even friends with Denelle!

Goodnight & Muah!

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